Poetic Musings

Poetic Musings

“Be gentle with her as she feels like she’s never enough. She’s the one who’s the cruelest, the hardest and the meanest with herself. She’s her biggest ally but she treats herself as an enemy. She cries herself to sleep trying to get the doubts, fears and sorrows out of her body, exhausting herself. She has brief moments where she feels good but then you will see her smile fade and her soul hide, she…


The Short Story Column

Two stories I like from SHORT STORIES: PART I 1. RED. She always loved the color red. It was beautiful, different shades of red reminded her of a rose, until one day. One day a mission went terribly wrong. A demon found a way to possess her, control her body. She could understand everything that was happening, she tried to fight it, to fight the demon inside of her, but nothing worked. After seeing Matthew…
